- Organization
- 1245 Warwood Ave. Wheeling , WV 26003
Northern Panhandle Workforce Development Board Inc., established in 1987, is 1 of 7 local Workforce Development Boards in the State of West Virginia. We’re locally owned and the only service that handles the Northern Panhandle.
Our area of service consists of Hancock, Brooke, Ohio, Marshall, Wetzel, and Tyler counties, as well as the cities of Weirton and Wheeling.
Programs That Help Us Help You
A variety of training programs and services, provided by a number of required partners, are available to eligible individuals at regional American Job Centers located in Weirton, Wheeling, and New Martinsville (also known as Workforce West Virginia Career Centers) like:
- WIOA Title I Programs
- Wagner-Peyser Programs and Services
- Adult Education and Literacy Activities
- Rehabilitation Programs and Services
- Programs Under Section 403(a) (5) of the Social Security Act
- Activities Under the Older American Act
- Program Under the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Education Act
- Activities Under the Trade Act
- Activities Under Chapter 41 of Title 38
- Employment and Training Activities Under the CSBG
- Employment and Training Activities Under HUD
- Programs Under State Unemployment Compensation Insurance
- Programs Under the Second Chance Act
Additional info
Opening Hours
Closed Now
February 12, 2025
9:46 am
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